Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Tutorial #1: Regular Granny Square with Magic Loop

Hello Everybody,
I hope everyone is having a good evening, or night, depending on you location. Tonight's tutorial is about the regular granny square by using the magic loop. Now, this method is one of the popular methods to use for granny squares, hats, or basically anything round in shape. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this method, here is a link on how to do it.

Round 1:
To begin, make a magic loop, or an adjustable loop


Then, chain three, which in this case counts as a double crochet,


Next, you do 2 double crochets in the loop, you have just completed your first group


Then you chain three to start the corner, and sets up the next round as well100_4282

Next, you do your next 3 double crochet


And again, you chain three to start your next corner


Then you do the next 3 double crochet cluster


Followed by another chain 3


You do your fourth and final cluster of 3 double crochets


Followed by your last set of chain 3


Connect to the top of the chain 3 at the beginning with a slip stitch


Round 2:

To begin round 2, chain three


In the next space do a 3 double crochet cluster


Followed by a chain three


And then another 3 double crochet cluster, you have just completed the corner, then follow that with a chain one


Do a 3 double crochet cluster, chain three, 3 double crochet cluster into the next corner, followed by a chain 1


Again, do 3 double crochet, chain 3, 3 double crochet into the third corner, followed by a chain 1


Do 3 double crochet, chain 3, 3 double crochet into the final corner, again, followed by a chain 1


Connect with a slip stitch to complete round two.


Round 3:

Begin round 3, with a chain 3, which counts as a double crochet, then do 2 more to complete your first cluster. Follow that with a chain 1.


In your first corner, do your cluster of 3 double crochets, chain 3, and the second cluster of three double, followed by a chain 1.


Do the middle 3 double crochet cluster and chain 1.


Do the second corner cluster, chain 3, cluster and a chain 1.


Again, do the middle cluster and chain 1


Do the third corner cluster, chain 3, cluster followed by a chain 1


Do the next middle cluster, followed by a chain 1


Do the fourth and final corner cluster, chain 3, cluster and chain 1


Connect to the top of the beginning chain 3.


If you have any comments, questions, concerns or requests, please feel free to contact me. I'd be more than happy to help you out with any problems you maybe having.



Hello Everybody,

Thanks for giving my blog a chance. This blog will be guessed it, crocheting. Anything that has to do with this wonderful and creative hobby. From hats and scarves, to blankets and everything in between. You are welcome to tell your friends, your family. The more people who know the better.

And I am also accepting requests for items that you may be looking for. Please just shoot me a comment or e-mail and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

My information is:

  1. Twitter: crochetland1993
  2. Instagram: crochetlandbybrittany
  3. E-mail:
  4. Facebook Page: Crochetland

Please feel free to follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Now, a little bit about myself.

I first started crocheting when I was 11 years old. I was always watching my mom working on an afghan and I wanted to learn how to do it. So I asked her to teach me. And I was getting the hang of it in the beginning. I would go through phases where I would crochet and then I wouldn't. But then as I became older, it became a constant thing that I was always doing.

Now its going on 11 years and 'm loving every bit of it. It makes me happy when someone orders something for either themselves, or someone else.

Thank you for coming.
